Holy hell. So yeah. I know it's been a hot minute. I can't promise it WON'T be a hot minute before another update. But I've been making small promises to myself - I need to "touch grass" a little bit more and stop spending 14 hours at a time holed up in my room staring at TypeScript and Docker containers and shit. But this site is part of that other vibe for me - I need to get back in touch with my creative self. This site is, in a way, my first real creative project in a hot minute.

When I transitioned from learning HTML/CSS to learning JavaScript about 12 months ago, it grabbed me hard. As soon as I started grasping the basic concepts it began consuming my life - I was definitely meant to do this. I love it so much. Too much, sometimes. I get too lost in code for too long at a time. I need to learn to be human again. And this site is a testament to my living breathing humanity. This place needs a good cleanup and refactor. And I need to finish parts of it that I never really fleshed out. There's a lot I have planned for this place.

Thanks for reading! If you're so inclined, check out my Github!. As always, feel free to reach out to me. I'll be back again soon! It's a promise I'm making to myself. And I'm done breaking those promises. I can't afford to anymore.



I don't even know where to begiiiiiiin. SO.MUCH.HAS.CHANGED! Let me get started...

First, I'm happy to say I'm now a card-carrying, egg-cracked, trans girl. I've finally come to accept and embrace it. I've come out. I present out in the world and I'm not afraid anymore! When people give me shit and call me ignorant shit, I don't shy away. I assert who I am with confidence! I'm so proud to be who I am and I'm comfortable and happy to be in my own skin. It's AMAZING!!! I never even realized just how much I was repressing in myself. I feel like I'm finally learning how to just breathe and be myself. I'm MEETING myself for the first time. But yeah I'll spare you more of my ramblings. I'll be writing up a full journal post about this experience soon. Check it out! 🦈 😎 ✨

On a more mundane but still exciting note...I have poured so much of my heart and soul into learning programming. I spent a few months strictly in HTML/CSS/JavaScript trying to absorb the basics. I started picking up TypeScript after I realized that, well, the loose typing of JavaScript was fucking me up. Don't get me wrong, TypeScript took a LONG time to get any degree of familiarty with. I feel like I'm coming into my own, though (with a LOT of effort!)

I worked on ColorGen (my custom color palette generator) for awhile until I got the idea to try and create a new and improved personal guestbook website! I don't wanna share too many details yet because I'm still in the build stage, but it's been a blast. This also led me into learning NodeJS for backend development. MOTHERFUCKIN' BRAIN BLAST BABY! I spent about half of my hiatus beating my brain into mush learning backend development.

I've started up several other projects too, just to give myself a change of pace. Like. A lot of TypeScript projects, mostly web apps. I also started learning to use Tailwind CSS and Sass. Made a short effort to learn ReactJS (yeeeeah I'll try that again later lmaaaaaooooo).

In the last month or so I decided I might as well translate my TS/JS knowledge to Python and get it into my skull. And yeah I decided to take a dive into a simple C++ project. After many nights of screaming at an absent god that allowed such would allow such a clusterfuck to exist, I finally started learning a few basics. Man, it's hard as FUCK at my level of experience but I'm HERE FOR IT BECAUSE IT'S SO FUCKING FUN AND POWERFUL!

Aight cheesebags, Ima let y'all go for now. Thanks for tuning in!!! 🦈 🏳️‍⚧️ ♀️ 💙

Viihna (resident shark bitch, baby!)


Well, on one hand I really need to go through my site here and do some basic maintenance. And add more to it like I keep saying I will. I keep getting distracted by coding projects. BUT LOOK AT IT! I can't believe I only started working with web app development less than 3 months ago. I'm making damn fine progress. I've been learning Node.js and a little C++ too.

For real, I can't make promises because I'm incredibly distractible and I have a lot of coding projects on my plate and many goals I'm working towards in that area of my life, but I really really really mean it when I say I want to come back and spend more time here. It's cathartic, and feels like my personal art project. So it's a matter of time.

Don't have much else to say with today's update, but it would make me really happy if you took a moment to view my project. If it's your kind of thing, you're also more than welcome to swing by my Github and take a look. My local server development project is set to private, but a lot of my other recent work is set to public. Anyway, see you guys again soon!



Been working on a new JavaScript project - a color palette generator! It's an early version with stripped down features, but I'm still working on it. You can check it out here!



My old Signal account got lost. I posted the new, updated account on my contacts page.

I've also been working on a bigger JavaScript project lately. I'm gonna try to post it up to my projects page soon, but it needs a bit of cleanup and styling. If you're interested in checking out what I've done so far, you can see it on my Github.

No journal entry for today, but things have been going pretty well on my end. Slow and steady progress with my coding project. I hope y'all have a lovely day :)



Actively reviving the will to actually program (and stop breaking my fucking operating system 4 times a day while I endlessly tinker). Added a new journal page for now but GOD FUCK hopefully I can actually make some new site content soon. Please be patient, I'm fucked in the head and trying my best :)



Ended up getting sucked back into working on my VPS for a bit. Then I ended up breaking the entrie VPS and having to start it all over again for the 4th time. Finally broke down and started paying for backup services. Then yesterday I was fully convinced I had broken my motherboard. It's been a rough week. Oh, well. Crisis averted and I've posted a few more mobile pages. Only 5 more to go, and I'll put up at least 2 more tomorrow. Maybe then I can finally work on some new content again! (I AM SO TIRED OF MAKING MOBILE PAGES LMAO)



>I haven't posted in 2 weeks now. I started tinkering with virtual machines, which turned into a local virtual machine network, which led me to start building my own Wireguard VPN on a VPS from the ground up. I'm gonna finish some more of the mobile pages tomorrow though. Just wanted to post a small update today. There's a new journal entry in the directory.



I've been working on the mobile site. Added mobile versions of the sitemap and the home page. If you notice anything weird, please let me know. Also added a new entry in my journal. WHOA MAN I'm tired. This is hard work lol.



I did a lot of work on the site today. Made a kickass new manifesto page and updated my writings. Things have been going pretty well again. I feel like I'm making progress with JavaScript and HTML/CSS, and I feel like I got my creative juices flowin' today. I'm ridin' that high a little bit. Anyway, I've got several ideas for more updates, which I'll start on very soon. Hope my visitors are doin' well and stayin' happy. Shit feels good again today.



Today was really fun. Got to see a partial solar eclipse with my family earlier, then we played Cards Against Humanity. I've posted new pages and hope to polish those up soon. Another journal entry probably coming soon. I'm too tired to type it out right now, though.



It really doesn't look like it rn, but I've been putting in some work here. This site has become my passion project lately - it's just so FUN. Every day I pick up a few new things. Then I turn around and the sun has gone down and it's suddenly 2AM, and I've completed MAYBE one page. It is what it is.



I'm VERY new to HTML, but I've been poking around with this stuff in my free time lately. I'm slowly doing an overhaul to the visuals on each page, starting with this one. I've added a visitor counter and link to my newly made guestbook. I plan on adding a changelog soon. I'm also trying to make an 'about me' page, among other things. Please bear with me while I figure all of this out. Thanks again for visiting!



Welcome to my page! I love the community at Neocities, so I decided to join. Math and science have always interested me, but I never took the plunge into computer science. Lately, I've been teaching myself Python, HTML, and CSS. Accordingly, updates to this site very well may not work correctly or at all. If you have any feedback, please feel free to reach out to me (my contact info is on the bottom of the page).

I'm also a bassist and (new) singer, and plan to put my first album together in the next 12 months. I'll be sharing updates as they happen, along with links to demos and finished pieces as they become available.

I also have a deep interest in tools that help users maintain their privacy, anonymity, and security. I'll be talking about that a lot in future updates and will have a whole branch of my site dedicated to these topics. I'd like to get into the cybersecurity field one day, but for now I'm just learning the basics. Keep that in mind when I talk about that stuff later on.

Thanks for reading and checking out my site.



You're visitor #

Name Viihna
Age 30's
Pronouns she/her

©2024 Viihna (Voidfucker) | Contact Me

site button for demon-boy on neocities. The button features an autism creature with a devil tail and horns, and flashing rainbow text reading 'Demon Boy!!' against a background of TV static.button that reads 'Free Speech Forever' beside a rotating blue support ribbon.

Stamp featuring the Scrubbing Bubbles mascot and the text 'You have no fucking idea what you're up against' on a white background.Stamp with 3D text that reads 'I'm in God's cringe compilation' against a green and teal gradient background.