©2024 Viihna (Voidfucker)

About Me

I'm a fem-leaning enby in her 30's still trying to figure herself out. I love to play music, I'm very interested in technology, I'm a privacy advocate, and I like general debauchery. I'm learning HTML and CSS, and want to move into learning Javascript soon, probably followed by Python. Web dev is a fun hobby I'm just now learning. In fact, it's quickly becoming one of my favorite creative activities. I want to go back to school and get eventually get into cryptography or become a pen tester. On that note, I'm a giant math geek. I literally used to sit at home during high school and do calculus for fun. Why? I don't fuckin' know. Some call me odd (they're probably right, just ask my boyfriend lmao).

I identify as a skeleton (YOU CAN'T HIDE WHAT'S INSIDE). The first thing I remember watching when I was growing up was Beavis and Butthead, followed by Ren and Stimpy. If I weren't a little bit fucked in the head, it would be surprising. Speaking of media, I absolutely adore Homestar Runner, particularly the very cool and dashing character Strong Bad.

That's enough for now. For more info about me and the things I like, I've put some pages in the navbar on the left. Check them out at your leisure. Thanks again for visiting!

Keep scrolling for interesting facts!

Did you know...

that if a cop stops you, you can simply run away?

Did you know...

that rocks are a very poor source of nutrients?

Did you know...

that the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand have banded together to spy on each others' citizens, so that they can avoid being prosecuted for crimes against their own citizens (this has been occuring since World War II, and is known as the Five Eyes network?)?

Did you know...

that I really like chicken flatbreads? (related song coming at some point, I promise)

that the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand have banded together to spy on each others' citizens, so that they can avoid being prosecuted for crimes against their own citizens (this has been occuring since World War II, and is known as the Five Eyes network?)?