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ColorGen v0.5.0 has been released both here and on my Github !

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Released an early build of my ColorGen (color palette generator) project.

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It only took me two weeks to notice, but I saw I never updated the "under construction" text on my mobile sitemap links. Went ahead and fixed that (sorry, mobile users!)

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It took me most of this month, but all of the mobile pages are now live. Additionally, I added a lite version of my manifesto page for people with slower internet connections.

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Added mobile versions of the homepage and sitemap. Tried to clean up some of my spaghetti code and started adding alt text to images (not yet complete). Added mobile and desktop directories to the sitemap..

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Added my first JavaScript projects. Added a "Cool Stuff" page to contain Music, Games, and the new Projects page.

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Posted a rough v1 page about my all-time favorite video games. Minor tweaks relating to content not displaying properly. Might have actually made that worse.

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Created a page about my favorite music. Posted a Contact Info page. Corrected my contact info. Another journal entry. Reversed the order of this changelog so it now reads newest-first. Small visual tweaks across site.

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Posted main 'About Me' page

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Posted v1 of the changelog. The one at which you are currently looking.

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Added a visitor counter and link to my guestbook on the homepage. On that note, thank you Dann for your tutorial on adding a visitor counter. It was very helpful!

My notes said I also made some more visual changes that day. I don't know what they were. Lesson learned. Idfk man, I'm trying lmao

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Started a "visual overhaul", whatever that meant. Once again, I wish had taken better notes. Probably changed some colors or added GIFs or tried to make my shitty HTML and CSS better on my first few pages.

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Added 1st version of navbar to the homepage. Added a sitemap, journal entry hub, and my first journal entry.

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Added my contact email address and public PGP key to the footer at the bottom of most/all pages (I genuinely haven't checked if it's sitewide yet. I'm not terribly concerned with that yet).

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Made some tweaks to the homepage. I'll be honest, I don't remember what they were. I'll try to keep better notes about site changes moving forward.

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Posted version 1 of my homepage

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Posted the first version of the landing page and the 404 page.

©2024 Viihna (Voidfucker) | Contact Info